Monday, 31 May 2021

Research Technique

 Research Technique - Focus Group

A focus group is another type of researching technique that uses collected data through the process of a group interaction and communication. This discussion between the group of people allows multiple opinions to be heard and applied to whatever the discussion is about. With multiple opinions it gives data of how different people think and behave about certain things, when being discussed about. (Anon., n.d.)
The history behind focus groups is that focus groups were first used during World War 2 to access reactions to radio programming. This was back then called 
focused interviews'. Focus groups now are used as a research technique to evaluate consumer perceptions and reactions.
These focus groups usually last between 30 - 90 minutes and this time is essential to gather as much helpful information and feedback as possible. The moderator involved, main goal is to make sure everyone is evolved and engaged in the conversation to keep the discussion going as well as let everyone have there own chance to give their own opinions on the matter being discussed.
The right questions need to be asked by the moderators to set the whole tone of the conversation, this could either make or break the entire thing. If the right questions are thought out before, the type of data wanted may not be collected by the end of the focus group which would then all be a waste of time. So structuring a set of questions beforehand focusing around the topic, is key to a successful focus group.
An Example Clip of a focus group:

Different types of focus groups:

  • Two-Way
  • Dual-Moderator
  • Dueling-Moderator
  • Respondent-Moderator
  • Mini Focus Groups
  • Online Focus Groups

Two-Way focus groups are one group that watches another group answer questions, observing there discussions and answers. By listening to this, the listeners are able to have an even more in depth discussion that leads to more solutions/conclusions.

Dual-Moderator is when a focus group is happening however there are two moderators, this allows them to bounce topics off each others. As well that as, one can make sure that the discussion stays on topic and flows smoothly, whereas the other one can focus on the entire discussions itself, providing support for everyone involved.

Dueling-Moderator is a focus group that allows the two moderators to represent one or the other side of a conversations, for example like a debate, seeing and representing both sides. allowing different viewpoints to be thought into consideration during the focus group.

Respondent-Moderator is a type of focus group which allocates someone involved in the focus group to be the lead moderator, this is done to change up the dynamic of the entire group to switch things up from time to time.

Mini Focus Group is a more intimate focus group, consisting of a small group of people around 4 or 5 people.

Online Focus Group is the same as a normal focus group however it is all done online, this could be done over a video call but being online it also gives the opportunity to broadcast the focus group to an audience for a wider range of people to participate.

The Pros of Focus Groups:
  • They're typically one of the least expensive ways to collect research than other methods of research.
  • They're partially easy to create, as long as communication is good.
  • This research allows vocal responses as well as body language, which is rare to achieve with other research techniques.
  • The results are created just from conversation alone so they're created quickly.
  • Focus Groups can be flexible and applied to lots of different topics so it is a great option for research.
  • This technique allows perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and experiences from all different types of people to be applied to the data being created.
  • Recording the focus group would be even more beneficial as it allows people collecting feedback to look back and double check as well as keeping a record of the focus group.
The Cons Of Focus Groups:
  • With so many people being involved some people who may not be as strong willed, may be swayed to just agree with others, rather than voicing their actual opinion on the situation.
  • If some people involved are more outspoken, their opinion on the conversation can be changed because they may have a more dominating attitude.
  • The results from one focus group don't represent a large amount of the public.
  • Larger focus groups may be harder to control because of the amount of people involved as well as organising a large amount of people to be at the same place, at the same time can be extremely difficult to organise.
  • Depending on the topic being discussed, some participates may be uneducated on the topic compared to others so that way sway the results because some people involved are more educated on the certain topic that others involved. 
Types of applications focus groups are used for:
  • For brand purposes, it may be new advertisement ideas or elements of a brand that need outsiders opinions.
  • To test and review products with a clear mindset to the object.
  • Explore new options for problems around a certain situations.
  • Just to hear a wide range of opinions on new ideas.
Evaluation of Focus Groups:
I believe that focus groups are a great way to collect research from a wide range of participants fairly quickly and cost effectively. It allows a group discussion to occur, which creates multiple opinions to be able to come across they way they want to on certain topics that may have not been able to voice their options before. The focus groups when planned well, are structured very well which can result in a huge amount of data to be collected from a flowing discussions between a group of participants involved. With the access of multiple people being involved, problems that may appear can be solved faster and more efficiently  because of how well teamwork skills and working together towards a goal can be effective on the topic being discussed.
On the other hand, focus groups could also be seen negatively because the data collected from focus groups isn't always accurate to everyone involved. This can be due to overpowering personality that may be involved in the focus group that could persuade or completely overshadow less confident people who may have wanted to voice their concerns and opinions but were pushed aside by more outgoing people. So the results aren't always accurate to what was actually happening if everyone had the chance to participate. As well as this, the questions asked may not be as direct and more wide range, making it easier for everyone to answer but this can lead to data being collected that could be useless to the topic, whereas questionnaires would be able to be very direct with the questions asked.

  • Anon., n.d. B2B International. [Online] . Available at:
  • Anon., n.d. Corporate Finance Institute. [Online] . Available at:

Thursday, 13 May 2021

My Music Video


My Music Video - 

This is my final result of my music video to the song "In my Room" by Frank Ocean. The filming style and editing style is heavily inspired by music videos shown in my inspiration presentation. 

When it came to how i applied what i learned from Andrew Goodwin and Carol Vernallis's music video theory's. I had some actions such as the strobe lighting effect, appear in the music video when the lyrics "FLASHING" were being sung in the song. I also used the concept by Andrew Goodwin, Notions of looking, in my music video. The clips of the actor talking and staring directly into the lens of the camera and at the audience is when the words "Quit being violent with me, Quit being violent with me" and the "You make me violent" these lyrics were sung directly to the audience, making them feel a part of the music video and concerned for the actor as to why she's asking people or something to quit being violent with her. however hopefully throughout the next couple of clips i was able to give the impression that those words are all just in her head, tormenting her thoughts.

Pre planning allowed me to become even more creative when it came to the editing process, however you can never have enough shots! The multiple styles of makeup also allowed the similar style of shooting to appear completely different even if it was the same backdrop and model. Giving even more variety to my shots.


I tried researching multiple videos and websites to figure out how to get the effect where there was multiple people in the shot but i couldn't figure it out in time so i tried a few different techniques of overlaying different shots to make it appear that there was more than one person in the entire video. 

If i could go and redo this whole unit, i would have chosen a song that was better suited for more of a narrative music video as i believe it would have been easier to follow when editing, because this video had no story behind it so it got harder as i went on to get creative with how to create creative shots with limitations.

I would also improve my filming equipment as it was obvious that i wasn't in a studio, the backdrop didn't look professional at all so i think it just made the whole music video look very unprofessional. I also should have shot more shots as, when i got to the editing portion, i realised that i didn't have enough footage to cover the whole song so for part of it, there are some parts where i reused clips and edits to fill the whole song.


The variety of editing techniques I used throughout the entire music video and how I was able to overlap multiple effects onto each other to give even more intense illusions and visuals throughout. Filming on a tripod made it a lot easier for the shots to be at similar height as well as making sure certain angles were able to be captured.

Another strength of mine would be the camera/camera angle! i believe this was a strength of mine because I thought ahead of shootings and had multiple ideas planned out on how I wanted to edit the music video so I knew before hand that I wanted lots of shots that I could possibly use multiple times as well as shots where the actor is positioned at certain angles or certain positions from the camera so it allowed me to overlap clips while editing. Knowing all of this beforehand really helped while editing as I had lots of clips to experiment and work with.

I used as much lighting as I possibly could with the equipment I had on me at the time! This consisted of handheld lightings with red, blue and yellow filter sheets that could be stacked to create other colour options too, these were key to the video visuals as they added better visual aspects as well as more depth and meaning to the video too because the coloured used at certain times can be linked to moods throughout the video. I enhanced or diffused these clips with coloured while editing depends on what type of vibrance and style, i desired during that clip of the music video.

Practical Skills Evaluation

Evaluation: Over the entire unit my practical skills and knowledge of these skills have also increased a lot since the beginning of the year...